Friday, October 5, 2012

Toni Trucks Mentions Jackson in her New Face Friday Interview

Q: When you find out you were cast in the Twilight Saga, who were you most excited to work with and afterwards, who would you like to work with again … I know you already did something with Michael Sheen…
Toni: When I first was cast, gosh, I think that was really just … I was a fan at that point, so you know just the idea of working with all of the leading people was really exciting. I was really happy to get to work with Bill Condon again. We had worked together on Dreamgirls, so being able to work together with him in any capacity was a thrill. You know, we’d always sort of like pointed at eachother like ‘I’ll see you again!’ and it happened. Also, Jackson Rathbone. You know, Jackson and I both went to the same performing arts high school, but we missed eachother by a couple of years. And so, we’d always heard of one another on our professional actor adventures, so I was really excited to be able to connect those dots, and we had all the same training growing up and say ‘Hey, we’re supposed to be friends so just prepare yourself.’ And then, yeah, of course you know my immense love of Michael Sheen and respect for him. And I continue to always want to work with, be near, hang out, eat with, laugh with, anything with Michael Sheen. He’s the jam.

You can read the full interview at TwilightLexicon

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