Friday, October 5, 2012

New 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' Poster + Premiere Camping Info

10/5/12 Update: FQA Added at Bottom

Parts that were released

Premiere Camping Info and Rules (Summit’s Fan Camping site is

Attention Twilight Fans, the World Premiere of The Twilight Saga finale, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2” is nearly upon us.  In order to give all faithful fans a fair chance to take part in the festivities planned leading up to the premiere, Summit Entertainment is putting in place some new procedures for this year’s fan camping. 
Due to the high demand to attend this year’s Fan Camp and the limited amount of space available,
The process to attend this year’s Fan Camp will happen in 4 phases:
Phase 1: Fan Camp Registration
Phase 2: Fan Camp Drawing
Phase 3: Fan Camp Ticket Notification
Phase 4: Fan Camp Check-in
There are approximately 1,200 Fan Camp tickets available in total.  Each ticket is for one (1) spot at the Fan Camp.  Fan Camp spots will be determined by a random drawing to be conducted after the Registration Period has closed. The winners of the drawing will be notified by email with instructions on how to pick up their tickets and when to report to Fan Camp for check-in.
This year all campers will be in the same Fan Camp area.  Selection for a Fan Camp ticket does not guarantee eligibility for any other fan events, prizes or drawings.  All special fan events and prizes will be determined by additional and separate random drawings.
Phase 1 – Fan Camp Registration
Fan Camp Registration will open at 12:00 PM PDT on Saturday, October 13, 2012 and will close at 12:00 PM PDT on Monday, October 15, 2012 (the “Registration Period”).
In order to register, fans must visit the registration page during the Registration Period and follow the instructions to fill out the registration form with the requested information, including, registration type. There will be 2 different types of registration:
1)      Individual Registration –  One (1) person registers for himself or herself only. The following information must be entered and must match the person’s ID when arriving at Fan Camp:
a.       Full Name
b.      Date of Birth
c.       Email Address
d.      Home Address

2)      Group Registration –  One (1) group manager registers for himself or herself and up to nine (9) guests (ten (10) people total). The following information must be entered for all members of the group including the group manager and all of the information listed for each member must match that member’s ID upon arrival:
a.       Full Name
b.      Date of Birth
c.       Email Address
d.      Home Address

Fan Camp Registration Rules
1.       Fan Camp Registration  will begin at 12:00 PM PDT on Saturday, October 13, 2012 and will end at 12:00 PM PDT on Tuesday, October 15, 2012 (the “Registration Period”).  Registrations must be submitted during the Registration Period in order to be entered into the drawing.
2.       Only one (1) entry per person will be accepted, regardless of which type of registration type is used. Only the first entry will be recognized and duplicate entries will be deleted, regardless of whether such duplicate entry is as an individual or as a member of a group.  Names submitted during registration must match IDs.  Registrants may be notified by email if we believe an entry is a duplication, in order to confirm eligibility.
3.       Fans can register as a group at time of registration.  All group members’ names must be submitted with the group applications. Groups will be limited to ten (10) members.  If a group member has previously registered as an individual, that group member’s name will be removed from the group registration. 
4.       1,200 spots are tentatively  available at the Fan Camp.  Camp spots will NOT be assigned as first come, first serve.  Once registration has closed, we will conduct a random drawing of all registrations submitted during the Registration period in order to determine the 1,200 recipients of the Fan Camp spot tickets.
Phase 2 – Fan Camp Drawing
Following the close of registration at 12:00 PM PDT on Monday, October 15, 2012; all eligible registrations will be automatically entered into a random drawing system that will randomly assign Fan Camp tickets to registered individuals and groups. 
Registered groups that are selected by the drawing will have their members ticketed together and assigned the same check-in time for Fan Camp.
Phase 3 – Fan Camp Ticket Notification
Registered individuals and groups that have been selected by the random drawing will be notified by email with their ticket details and assigned check-in times starting on or about Tuesday, October 16, 2012.  Registrants that were not selected in the drawing will not be sent a notification. 
If the email notification is returned as undeliverable, the ticket(s) will not be assigned to such registrant and an alternate registrant may be selected by random drawing.
Check-in times will be assigned and specified in the email notification.
Phase 4 – Fan Camp Check-in
The check-in times will begin at 8:00 AM PDT on Thursday, November 8.  No lines will be recognized before this time and any ticketed guests that arrive before their assigned check-in time may be subject to disqualification from camping and may not be admitted into the Fan Camp.
Ticketed guests will be assigned one of the check-in time windows listed below.  Ticketed guests must arrive during their designated check-in time.
8:00 AM PDT – 10:00 AM PDT: Group 1
10:00 AM PDT – 12:00 PM PDT: Group 2
12:00 PM PDT – 2:00 PM PDT: Group 3
2:00 PM PDT – 4:00 PM PDT: Group 4
4:00 PM PDT – 6:00 PM PDT: Group 5
Ticketed guests who do not arrive within their check-in time will forfeit their Fan Camp spot and the next registered guest/group in line will take such spot.   In the event that that Fan Camp spots remain at the end of the entire check in, ticketed guests that failed to arrive within their check-in time may be given alternate Fan Camp spots if space permits.  Only ticketed guests will be permitted into the Fan Camp, however, we reserve the right to admit non-registered guests at our discretion.

1.       No lines will be recognized before 8:00 AM PDT on Thursday, November 8, 2012.  Any guests that  arrive before their assigned check-in time may be subject to disqualification from camping and may not be admitted into the Fan Camp.
2.       Due to limited space, ONLY standard sized pop tents will be allowed (8'x8' [64 sq. ft.] or less). No oversized tents, staked tents, or other such tents will be allowed.  Any guest that attempts to use a tent that does not meet these specifications may be removed from the premises.
3.       ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS, ALCOHOL OR WEAPONS allowed on premises.
4.       No cooking or open flames are permitted in or around the Fan Camp.
5.       No horseplay. If anyone dumps food or beverages on another camper, they may be subject to removal from the Fan Camp, NOKIA Plaza and/or LA Live. 
6.       No amplified music. All music devices must be used with headset or earphones.
7.       Smoking is only allowed in designated areas OUTSIDE of the NOKIA Plaza boundaries.
8.       Guests are responsible for their own property. Neither LA Live, AEG, nor Summit will be responsible for any lost or stolen items.
9.       Everyone must keep their camp spot clean at all times. A fine will be enforced for anyone that litters on Nokia or Los Angeles City property.
10.   Guests must only use the restrooms designated for guests and respect all businesses in the surrounding area.
11.   Guests must follow the rules and directions of L.A. LIVE Management/Summit Security at all times.
12.   We reserve the right to reassign camping spots at our discretion, for any reason whatsoever.
13.   We reserve the right to modify these Rules of Conduct and the Fan Camp spot selection process/drawing at any time, in our sole discretion and it is the responsibility of each fan to periodically review the Rules of Conduct and other procedures for changes.
14.   All guests understand and agree that LA LIVE, Summit and AEG have the right, at their sole discretion, to remove any guest from the Fan Camp, the LA Live premises or from any activity at any time and for any reason.  Guests will be removed if such guest’s behavior at any point is uncooperative, disruptive, or may or does cause damage to person, property, or the reputation of the LA Live, Summit or AEG.
15.   Any guest that is not eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of check-in must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. 


Is there an advantage to registering as an individual vs. as a group?  If so what?
There is no advantage – you’re entered into the drawing one time whether you enter as an individual OR as a group manager.  For group registration, only the group manager is eligible to be picked for the rest of their guests.  Guests are not counted as individuals, but they receive one chance at entering as they would if they had entered as an individual registrant.

In the drawing, is a group considered the same as an individual?
Yes.  See above.

How will it work for those who were selected but can’t camp? Can they still come to stand on the red carpet or the bleachers?
Only fan campers will be permitted access to the red carpet/bleachers to view the arrivals.

If someone is selected from the drawing but, due to unforeseen circumstances, can’t arrive at tent city at the time designated, is their spot forfeited?
If you do not arrive within your time window, you will move to the end of the line and you will not be 100% guaranteed to have your spot.  Special circumstances may be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

If someone has already booked their plane ticket and doesn’t get selected for the drawing, can they still come down to tent city to hang out and participate in events?
No, tent city and pre-red carpet events are for fan campers only.

If one member of a group can’t come at the last minute, will the entire group be turned away?
No, that individual’s spot will be forfeited.  Following the drawing everybody will be ticketed as individuals but groups will be assigned the same check-in time.

How are wristbands being distributed? Are they being mailed or put on the day of arrival at tent city?
They will be distributed on day of arrival at the designated check-in times.

Is there a provision for people who are handicapped and unable to camp out? These people do have medical documentation to support this.
Yes, and these cases will be handled on an individual basis.

Do fans have to camp, or can they just get their wristband and come back on premiere day? If fans don’t camp out, is there any shot of seeing the premiere on the day itself?
Camping is required for red carpet/bleacher participation.  This is the same as it has been in all previous years.

Is it 1,200 individual spaces or 1,200 spaces and another 1,200 group of ten? In other words, how many total people are allowed?
There are a total of 1,200 individual spaces for all fan campers.

Do under-18s need the guardian staying with them so that both need to be selected, or can the guardian merely sign them in at the check in?
Guardians must choose the group option for registering with their minor.  The guardian must register as group leader and be present with the minor at all times at the Fan Camp.

There is no guarantee fan campers are seeing the movie right?
Correct, we cannot guarantee access to see the film.

Group check in: does the entire group have to check in together at the same time if selected, or can one representative do it? There is some concern that if one person’s plane gets delayed that an entire group could be disqualified.
Groups must check-in together.  The group will not be disqualified by an individual’s member’s absence.  Special circumstances for individuals may be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

When fans register, will they receive an automated email confirming that their registration has been received?
Yes, there will be an automatic confirmation email sent out immediately following registration.

Will international fans have the same access to the drawing as domestic fans?

Will there be a standby line?
There will be no standby line.  There will be 1200 individual spaces for fan campers.  If you don’t get a spot at the Fan Camp via the drawing you will not be able to attend.


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