Monday, October 8, 2012

Mackenzie Foy Mentions Rob and Kristen in Teen Vogue (November 2012 Issue)

Young Blood: Mackenzie Foy joins the Cullen clan as tiny vamp hybrid Renesmee in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 2.

Walking onto set for the first time can be daunting, especially if you're the most important new star of the final Twilight film. But twelve-year-old Mackenzie Foy--who plays, Renesmee Cullen, the half-vampire, half-human child of Edward and Bella--isn't easily shy, but I'm not shy one little bit," says the actress, who got her start in modeling for Ralph Lauren. And while in Breaking Dawn -- Part 2 the miracle spawn sends the supernatural world into turmoil, Mackenzie was pumped. "I love doing stunts," she says. "Riding on Jacob's back was a fun scene to film; I got to wear a harness!" The California native, who's working toward a black belt in taekwondo, even had push-up contests with costar Taylor Lautner. Mackenzie describes him as "just one of my friends," Kristen Stewart as an"incredibly hard worker," and Robert Pattinson as a big goofball.

Her castmates grew so comfortable around the pint-sized pistol--who has been allowed to watch two Twilight films--that Mackenzie inspired a "swear jar" to keep everyone in line. (She's donated the money to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.) So what's up next? Hopefully, an action movie. "I know a whole bunch of kicks and punches," she says, laughing. "I like seeing girls throw down."


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