Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kristen, Rob and Kellan's Interviews in Teen Now Magazine (Scans + Transcripts)


 Now that it's all over, what was the most touching moment of the whole saga?

There was a bit in the first one when Bella is in the hospital and she says, 'Don't ever leave me again,' and I say, 'Where am I going to go?' I still think that's my favourite scene - mainly because it's so different to what happens after it. Maybe it's because we made up the lines, and that's how different that shoot was. Because in every film afterwards, the idea of us just making up lines was unheard of. Everyone was so militant like, 'It has to be from the book.' So I love that bit.

And what was the hardest? 

Probably the birth scene - mainly because it was hilarious and it was supposed to be really serious. There was one shot where we had to look directly into the camera and I was crying with laughter. It looks like I'm crying in the scene, and I'm not supposed to be able to cry as a vampire, but I'm crying in the scene because I was laughing.

Do you have a quality that's right for playing timeless gentlemen?

Do I have it? I don't know. I guess I'm relatively sensitive. Also, I grew up with two older sisters, so I was surrounded by lots of girls - I guess I have a different mentality for that. And I never really played any team sports or anything, so I guess all those things add up to it. I don't know. I don't know why I'm not getting cast as them any more though.

Do you have the urge to do something completely different now - to play someone mean?

I kind of always did that, up until Twilight, apart from Harry Potter. Every part I've played has always been sort of weird.

How do you usually feel when you watch you own movies? Do you always wait a while before watching them?

Yeah, a couple of years at least. I really like the first Twilight movie now. It's on TV constantly, so I've seen it six times! I remember watching it for the first time at the premiere and I had to leave. I left and I sat in the car. It was so overwhelming to me and I started having a panic attack in the cinema and ran out. I got in the car and I didn't even realize that there was someone filming me through the car window, right next to me. And now it's different. I find it really hard to watch stuff. I watched Cosmopolis but because it's so stylized, it changed it, so I didn't find that too hard to watch.

What will you miss most?

There's something incredibly familiar and nice about it when you know everyone on set. It's the antishesis of what you normally have when you turn up on a movie set, where it's like the first day of school when you start. But when you know people, it's pretty nice. When you're doing a job when everything changes all the time...I guess it's like doing a TV show. But one of the best things about acting is that you can leave everyone behind!


In this film, Bella's no longer human - was that hard to remember?

One thing that I've liked about Bella - the human version - is that she gives as much as she wants to and doesn't feel pushed. To me, she's always emotionally very honest and because of that, she's sometimes unsteady. Sometimes I really allowed her to be just teenage. Everything that she is as a vampire is influenced and infused with the things that made her great as a human. Also, she changed into a vampire when she was either literally having a baby or just having popped it out, so because of that, she has this steady nature that's so different from the one that Bella had, because she's not very steady in the rest of the stories, especially physically. She's this very new young animal, and she's figuring out how to use the tools she has been given. It's like a 12-year-old getting a six-speed sports car and being like, 'Woah!' That was fun.

Are you worried people will always talk to you about Twilight?

People will always talk about the fact that I got super-duper famous on Twilight, but is people who really loved the books have a hard time seeing me in other parts, it's kind of the ultimate compliment, I understand that. And it hasn't seemed to put a dampener on my personal experiences. I've been challenged. I'm proud of it and, hopefully, people will keep talking about it.

What scene do you think was the most challenging over the whole saga?

Oh God. There are so many of those moments throughout the entire thing. There have been a lot of challenges. All of the life milestones happen. I think maybe in New Moon, i wasn't excited about having to play ultimate death [in Alice's vision] - sometimes those moments don't happen when you think they're going to happen, and that thing of being broken up with Edward, just feeling dead. That.

What will you miss the most?

Sometimes there's just a feeling. Every set has its own mood. Given the people who are always there. It's very consistent. We recently did reshoots and as soon as we were back there, it just instantly happened. It was like, 'Wow! I can't believe we're doing this again!' It was crazy how it just assures the exact same tone. I will definitely miss that.


What can you tell us about Breaking Dawn Part 2?

It's going to be the most action-packed. It's just going to answer a bunch of questions. It's going to be my favourite, obviously, because Emmett has my favourite of his scenes, the arm-wrestling scene with Bella after she turns into a vampire. I'd been very much looking forward to shooting that - and now seeing it.

What is the legacy of Twilight?

Twilight has been amazing. I didn't want to be apart of it at first. I didn't know it was a book series. Then after I did become apart of it, I loved the cast, I love my character and it's a blessing to be a part of something like this because it's kind of like a golden ticket. None of us had any expectations, it was an independent film. Yet here we are with the fifth movie! It's an actor's dream, to have continuous work. It's just been a magic carpet ride that's really been a platform for all of us and has made a name for me as an actor. I know my character has very few lines, but we are all so grateful and blessed and humbled by the experience and by having the fans show their appreciation and passion for it all.

Is it sad to say goodbye to the cast?

It's been an era in all of our lives, and now we're closing that book and are all going to start new ones. We'll always cherish Twilight. It's been that jump-start for a lot of our careers and I just love my character. I've loved working with this cast. We've grown so close. I know Hollywood is so small it'll be great to work with them again outside Twilight and play different characters, play love interests or play siblings again. It's been a great project for all of us to be a part of.

Scans/ Transcripts Done by Us 

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