Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Rob's Interview with EOnline from the LA BD2 Premiere

Robert Pattinson might feel a little relieved that The Twilight Saga has come to an end. He's said as much himself!

But that doesn't mean he won't miss it.

"In a year, I think I'll definitely miss it," R.Pattz admitted on the black carpet at the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere held at Nokia Theatre. "It's such a strange experience. That's why I waited to see the movie until tonight. It's such a different thing seeing it with the fans instead of on a DVD or whatever."

Fans that have been with the saga since the very beginning. And are still just as dedicated five years later, if the throngs of screaming fans that have been camping out for days are any indication.

"It was incredibly overwhelming, the first one. I mean, it felt like you were getting hit by a truck," Rob recalled of his first Twilight premiere. "This one, you kind of know what the deal is. You know nothing really weird is going to happen."

And Twi-hards, don't start your grieving just yet—because Edward Cullen himself may not hang up his fangs forever.

"Yeah! Yeah definitely," Rob told us when asked if he would ever play a vampire on the big screen again. "If it was a good script."

As for the flashy green suit he rocked tonight?

R.Pattz laughed, "I had a dream about an emerald green houndstooth suit, and I got Gucci to make it."

It's hard to think of Robert Pattinson being scared playing Edward in the Twilight movies.

But he was. At least at the very beginning.

"It was terrifying," he told me and my E! News cohort Catt Sadler at tonight's Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere at L.A. Live. "I was shooting the last fight scene and I almost ripped my glute. I almost ripped my glute in the first shot I ever did. I was so nervous. I had to have a physio called in and have my butt cheek massaged for the rest of day."

R.Pattz looked dapper in a green hound tooth Gucci suit. It happened to be the same color as, well, mine!

Sadler asked Kristen Stewart who she thought wore it better.

"Well, I think they're so different and they compliment both of you as individuals," K.Stew said. "And I think you both look gorgeous tonight."

Aw, shucks.


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