Thursday, November 1, 2012

Breaking Dawn: Part 2 LA Press Conference (November 1, 2012)


Fan Pics

Pics from Team-Twilight: Kristen - Rob - Kellan and Jackson

Kellan and Jackson
image host

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Q: Now you have a sense of completition, five films out of four books. I'm curious.. are you allowing yourself any perspective? Do you see the value of all this?

Rob: It's funny, people are asking me how I'd feel when it all ends when we were promo-ing the first movie. I've never felt more bewildered, knowing we only have a month let of Twilight stuff to do. i've said since the second one it's going to take ten years to settle into my brain. I don't think anyone knows why they connect with it the way they do. I don't even know if Stephenie knows why she was so fixated on this very very contained story.

Q: If you could go back in time five years, what kind of advice would you give yourself then to prepare what would happen in the next five years?

Rob: Start drinkign vodka instead of beer. And try to get a six pack (abs) as early as possible, and you'll be a much more successful actor.

Rob: It's kind of fun to deal with the terror and the huge highs and lows of things. I've never known - I'm still getting massive surprises any time we have a Twilight related event. When we went to Munich for the third movie, the entire olympic stadium was packed with 30k people screaming.

Q: This words keyword is "forever" - what is this in regards to?

Rob: Death? (laughs) No. Hope? That's a difficult question

He had a hard time answering.

Q: What was your last scene for the films? and favorite fan encounter?

Rob: It was hilarious because we spent the entire series filming the most miserable conditions, then we end filming in St. Thomas. We did the last shot as the sun was coming up - it was amazing. It was a nice way to end it.

Rob: We were considering shooting it in the sea in Vancouver which would have not worked at all (laughter)

Q: Were you sad to let Edward go?

Rob: Yeah, it's very strange. The entire way through - up to the last shot - it's a strange part because on one hand you have to have a lot of the audience project their idea of Edward. It doesn't matter what I do sometimes, the fans want him a certain way. Then there are my instincts to find the fallibility and weaknesses in him. So you're trying to play both these things at the same time. You're trying to play someone who's seen as playing this perfect thing.

Q: Whats most difficult thing to leave behind? And whats best thing to leave behind?

Rob: It was great to have multiple films to get used to and get into the character. It's good to have multiple chances. It's bad on the other hand because your ideas dry up sometimes and you get lazy sometimes because you're around the same people. That was the good thing about having different directors, so you could stay on your toes.

Q: This has obviously opened a lot of doors for you. How do you see it impacting your career ten, fifteen years down the road?

Rob: I don't know - people ask if I'm afraid of getting typecast, but you can't be afraid of it. It's not up to you. I'm getting parts where I don't play a vampire. I don't know if people will accept me in them, but there's really nothing to be afraid of it. But yeah, I have no idea in fifteen years - I don't know how people will remember this series at all. It's crazy how intense people are about this series. So I'm not sure how that will last, if there will be that tenacity in fifteen years.

Q: Was there any moment during filming that you'dl ike to relive and why?

Rob: The whole first movie was pretty fun. There was a good energy, people were fighting for it because they believed in it (the first film). So it felt like a big deal.

Rob: It was really exciting, the first one. And the whole year afterwards.

Q: This franchise has given you a lot of success. Are you hoping to maintain that level of success as you go forward?

Rob: Well, I don't know. If I could get any semblance, any more control, of m public image - that would be nice.

Rob: No, it's impossible to maintain this level of success apart from Denzel Washington (laughter). It's a strange place where the film industry is at, where you could just play super hero after super hero. That seems to be the only guaranteed big money thing.

Q: At the end of the day, are you glad it's over?

Rob: in some ways. As soon as someone refers to these movies as a franchise - a franchise is a Burger King, a Subway - the big guys love it when something like this becomes a franchise. As an actor, it's scary. You really feel like you have no control. It's a huge machine and it becomes part of the cultural landscape. It's scary because you get trapped and you get scared of changing. And that's the worst thing that can happen.

Q: Are you more famous in the UK than you are here? and if so, how?

Rob: I don't know actually. I used to be able to be in England out in public and be fine - it came out in the U.S. first. I get a lot more abuse in England. That's kind of just the general English attitude. It's just your instinct (laughter)

Q: You looked like a natural stepping into the father role?

Rob: I quite like working with kids and animals, which everyone says you shouldn't do. Because it makes you feel like you're not acting - someone who's just providing stuff to react to. Especially working with a baby. It's great. I would say, but a dog or a baby in every scene - everything's gonna be better. And if they're not, just shoot the dog (laughter). They've got some good baby actors.

Q: and by shoot the dog, you mean...

Rob: Either way! (laughter)

Q: Do you watch any vampire films/shows?

Rob: I really like Blade. My favorite character in the new ones.. I like.. I Benjamin (the actor in BD 2). It was nice having actors who came in and were really enthusiastic. They were so excited about even five lines.

Rob: I haven't seen that many vampire films/shows. I'm not a non fan, but it's an unusual thing to be a fan of. It's like, "I love zombie movies. I love zombies. I just love them." It's more of a psychological problem. (laughter)

Q: Do you remember back i 2008 the first time you met Kristen and Taylor? I don't mean to throw Taylor under the bus but he says he can't remember meeting you.

Rob: Gee I don't remember meeting him either. I met him when he was wearing his wig and stuff. I met Kristen at the Twilight

Rob: My impressions of them... I'm still just trying to come with terms of acknowledging being an actor at all. When I did Harry Potter, I remember looking at Dan, Rupert, and Emma and being like "Wow, those guys are actors" I was starstruck and I wanted to be one too. I was starstruck by Kristen too when we first met.

Rob: With Dan, Rupert, and Emma, I still see them as massively famous people. It's strange to have gone through the same experience with Taylor and Kristen as well. It's massive.


Q: Bella's a tiger let out of a cage in this one. What was that like as an actress, especially doing it at the same time as BD 1 - so in one shoot you were caged, the next you weren't.

Kristen: I was really lucky to have played human Bella for so long. The best aspects of every vampire, it's an enhanced version of when they were human. I got to take those steps for real, turning into a vamp. If you were to take the fact that she becomes a vampire completely away, this is just a more realized version of who she's been the whole time. It's why it touches so many people.

Kristen: It was also like breaking her in like a car, asking 'how fast? how fast can she go?'

Q: What did you keep from the set?

Kristen: I kept the rings. The rings ar ereally important to me. There was the moon ring, which is from the first film and reminds me of Catherine Hardwicke. And the wedding ring I have too. Other than that, Bella's not really into stuff. The rings are extremely important to me.

Q: For you, what was the moment when you raelized how big this thing was going to be?

Kristen: it's grown so much, even recently. I don't know if we've ever - I've never realized the extent its gotten to. Comic Con for me was the first hit of human energy, and I knew this wasn't a normal movie. We've always approached Twilight - it felt like something very much our own. That first dose of sharing it with the fans was mind blowing.

Kristen: The coolest thing about the job actually - when you like something together, you're going to like it more. I was excited that we were going places and incredibly overwhelmed.

Q: Thanks for bringing such a realism to Bella Swan. Now that Bella's a vampire, you got to do kick ass stunt work. Talk about that.

Kristen: I broke my thumb like the second day, it was a lot of fun though. I got a little taste of the stunt work when we were in Italy, physicality was so important then - then it became important again. What can I say.. I've been on the sidelines for so long, just itching to get involved as a vamp. So I was bursting to do it. And that's probably why I broke my thumb, I was overzealous.

Q: I found it so cool, as a 14 year old, that 18 year old Bella is so young to be turned into a vamp. If you could pause your life at one age, what would it be?

Kristen: I don't know - I haven't gotten to that point yet. I'm not sure, someone asked me recently and I couldn't answer it then either.

K: I just haven't gotten to that point of wanting to pause life yet.

Q: Along those same lines, I was wondering... Bella's journey, how did it parallel with your own journey?

K: Without taking any of the truth out of this.. it's all sort of general. Like I was just saying, it's about that period: "Do I go with this, or is that crazy?" I think as an adult, the answer is "absolutely." You question yourself along the way, and you should never stop doing that. You should always question, push harder. I think it gets a little easier - I definitely feel a bit more realized - a lot more actually. It was just by chance we happen to be the same age. It's a tough one because she lives so many years.

Q: How have these movies affected your film career going forward with new film choices?

K: I've always - a question that I can't answer, "What can you do next?" Doesn't make any sense because it's such an outsiders perspective.Things have fallen in my lamp, I've gotten incredibly - insanely lucky. If I could keep doing that I'll be a happy girl.It's always a pretty impulsive thing. You can read a fantastic script and it may not be in you to do.

Without spoiling it: Kristen's talking about how the ending is romantic, and Bill really had his finger on it.

Q: What was it like playing a mother? Did it change how you look at your own mom?

K: I think that it might be something you're born with. Some people have really really strong, natural instincts to be a mom. That was one of my favorite parts of the story from day one. There was never much about that in the story. So having Stephenie Meyer there was helpful.

K: It didn't change much about me or view of my mother. But what better way to share vampire's animalistic nature than that. But I don't think.. I've always really felt I have a great relationship with my mom. That's just what it is. If I had an answer I would totally give it.

K: I can't wait to be a mom... but I can wait (Laughter)

Q: What bonds have the three of you formed that 10, 20 years from now only you will understand?

K: Its nice to not be alone, we're in this together. We share the movies. Another really common question is, "What's it like to walk away from this?" Generally I don't have to walk away from anything. We hold this as we move on. I think Rob and Taylor feel the same way

Q: Are you glad it's over? Finally?

K: I'm so happy that the story is told, you have no idea. Usually you have five weeks, five months to look at a schedule. We had five years. So the fact that this thing is out and it's not weighing on us anymore - SUPER excited about that. Not that I'm glad it's over, I'm glad the story is now complete.

K: It is sad, it is strange. But it's normal - things shouldn't stay. They've gotta move on.

Q: Would you be open to doing another film series?

K: Yeah. It depends, it's hard to sign on to something before you know.

Q: Say they wanted you to sign on for something that's five films. Would you say yes?

K: My guess is probably not, only because it's rare to find something that is this great.

K: Never say never.

Q: What would you like to give your character for the holiday?

Kristen spent a lot of time thinking about the answer, asked the fansite ops who suggested a gift for Renesmee.

Q: Would you like to live forever?

K: No.

Q: Has there ever been a question you wish the press asked you?

K: No.. thankfully.

Kellan and Jackson with Elizabeth Reaser and Nikki Reed

Q: What would you like to see happen for your characters

Elizabeth: I would like a break (laughter). I think for Esme she'd like for everything to calm down for a bit and not deal with Volturi for a while. Dr. Cullen and I take a break to the island.. let the kids run free. We just want things to calm down.

Jackson: A hunting expedition for the guys would've been nice. 

Kellan: Rosalie and I should go to the cabin. We'll adopt!

Q: Were there pranks on the new vampires?

Kellan: You gotta haze, right? New blood.

Jackson: We get to see all these new characters in BD 2, which is awesome, it's like vampire X Men.

Nikki: it was also intimidating at times because I think they thought we were being stand off ish.. but we were actually looking up to all these incredible actors stepping onto our set. We thought, are we doing this with them right now? It was so cool.

E: There were a lot of times they were unsure of what we'd be doing. In these films you become friends with who you're placed to. In one scene I was standing next to a couple actors for six weeks.. so we became close, and I got lucky.

Q: And the new actors were asking lots of great questions about playing a vampire.

Jackson: Erik Odom.. when he came to set, I messed with him. I convinced he was missing vampire teeth. I told him to run and go get them. We don't actually use vampire teeth.

Q: You've played Esme for the past movies. Since you've stopped, how much of that character stays with you?

E: I really appreciate Esme's sweetness, generosity, spirit. Her ability to wear heels and dresses 24 hours a day. The real me would be wear sweat pants. Being Esme for so many years influenced by ability to throw on a pair of heels and a pencil skirt.

Q: Talk about doing the fight scene choreography.

Jackson: it was fun to learn all these new techniques. You always wonder what it'll look like on screen, it really turned out amazing.

Elizabeth: I'm always resistant to action. It's really challenging to make that stuff believable. From that point of view I find it really hard. Even when someone pretends to hit me, I find that unpleasant. I think Nikki was more easily able to kick ass.

Nikki: It's also about looking graceful, and elegant. It's like a dance and I sort of failed in that department. I get really sad when I think about all the commitment we put into these scenes. We overshoot for fights because it's like a puzzle

Q: We head Team Cullen broke out in song during the fight scene as a prank. Who
was the best dancer?

Nikki: Mia (sp?) handled it. I can't believe we can talk about this openly. It was a huge deal two weeks ago when I said it and wasn't supposed to apparently.
Elizabeth: Michael Sheen really had some of the craziest moves for the dance. He was really fierce, and looking pissed. It was really funny and charming.

Q: Talk about playing Tarzan, Kellan.

Kellan: I asked myself what it would be like to have a dream role. It was quite fun for me, the idea of taking this on. When I read the script, it's so much more contemporary and. It's a brilliant script, full of comedy, full of action

Kellan: We did so much research for the role, it was a great experience and I'm really looking forward to it.

Q: Nikki, you looked really comfortable with Renesmee. Did having children around the set have an influence on you and the rest of the cast?

Nikki: Elizabeth will tell you I'm very maternal because I cooked for her. I love children, I don't want any right now. I love being around them. Mackenzie by the way is the most professional - it seems obvious - but I'm constantly impressed with her ability to be a fantastic actor. I spent almost every night cooking with her and her family in our apartments while filming.

Q: Can you talk about the end scene? Being able to surprise people at the end?

Jackson: Well there are lots of surprises - the last 20 minutes of the film are going to be really really exciting for the fans who followed the series for years. What Melissa and Bill brought to the screen play is really amazing and beautiful and harkens back to the very first Twilight and the sense of why it became so popular to begin with.

Q: What would you give your character for the holidays, and is there a super power you would want?

Nikki: I wouldn't want any super powers. It'd give me so much anxiety knowing what people are thinking. I don't know what I'd give Rosalie as a gift.

Jackson: I'd give Jasper a gift card for the local blood bank to have a snack every once in a while.

Nikki: I'd have this desire to control everyone.. but maybe that's just me.

Elizabeth: Esme has everything she could ever want. She'd be extra happy if Obama won. If I could influence that in any way I would.

Q: Anyone taking props or costumes from momentos from the series?

Nikki: i always feel... I believe strongly in karma, I should've just stolen something, why not? As far as I know we're not making any more of these. The only thing I have from the films is the baseball shoes. I was too afraid of taking them but Kristen did for me when she did reshoots.

Q: Is separation anxiety looming right now now that press stuff is coming to an end?

Elizabeth: I think Nikki is really good at maintaining those types of relationships. Seeing the movie the other day was really emotional. The end of the end of everything. I'm in denial right now. We still have two more days of this, and then we have a premiere. I just keep putting off the melt down.

Nikki: I feel really sad about it. We shot the last movie almost two years ago, and I've been numb to the idea of the end. It's hard to comprehend. It's been a huge part of all of our lives. It's such a crucial age as well for all of us. It's bizarre.

Nikki: Jackson and I are going to Copenhagen for some more promo stuff.. so when it's over it's not really over.

Q: We were talking about how you're all a part of a vampire group. Do you watch shows like True Blood? What are your favorite vampire characters?

Jackson: I've always liked the vampire genre. Butler in Dracula 2000 is pretty awesome. Shadow of the Vampire is an amazing film. I watch vampire movies like Underworld now.. there are so many different types. That's why I love this series, these vampires are so unique. This world is so brilliant and vibrant. What I love about BD 2 is that we get a sense of these vampires.

Bill Condon

Question: You haven't directed all the films but you've seen all the films. Can you talk about the arc Bella goes through, and the performances you got from the characters - Bella more than any other goes through the most changes.

Bill: I worship at the alter of Kristen Stewart. Her arc was pretty - it wasn't that big arc across the first three movies. In Part 1 she fell in love with a guy she's going to marry. We made Part 1 and Part 2 as one movie. And it speaks to the achievement of Kristen Stewart.  It's an amazing arc that she has across this, and it's important to remember we shot it all at the same time. She'd go from filming as a badass warrior in the morning, and then emaciated in the afternoon (to film pregnancy) She has this extraordinary energy. She's really so focused when she's in something. I was really worried when we looked at the schedule. It was this added challenge she got excited by. I think she was dying to play the vampire.

Stephenie Meyer, Melissa Rosenberg, Wyck Godfrey

Q: Talk about the parenting by Rob and Kristen

Stephenie: Kristen was a great parent. She would go to Bill and tell him how she should be parenting Mackenzie (renesmee) Rob was the easy going dad, him and Mackenzie were always having a laugh about something. It was all very natural, all very sweet. Everyone wanted to hang out and bond with her. I think she made it easy to love her.
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